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Grants and Scholarships

The National Fluid Power Association offers scholarships and grants to support fluid power education.

Apply for a Scholarship

Fluid Power Scholarship

NFPA offers multiple $2,500 scholarships to high school seniors, and students enrolled at community colleges, technical colleges, and universities. The Fluid Power Scholarship aims to help students pursue their interests in fluid power. The money awarded is used to study at any accredited technical college or university in the United States.

The applicant does not have to be enrolled in a dedicated fluid power degree program but must be enrolled in a relevant program where fluid power is taught. Students enrolled in the following degree programs are welcome to apply (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Agricultural Systems Technology
  • Automation Robotics, Engineering Technology
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • CNC Engineering Technician Certificate
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electro-Mechanical Engineering
  • Engineering Design and Mechatronics
  • Engineering Technology
  • Fluid Power Technology
  • Hydraulic Engineering Technician
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Industrial Maintenance Technician
  • Industrial Technology
  • Manufacturing Equipment Technician Certificate
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • Mechatronics Certificate
  • Pneumatic Engineering Technician

Past scholarship recipients are eligible to apply again but have a different essay question than first-time applicants.

College Seniors/Graduating Applicants: Students graduating in May or June of the 2024-25 academic year are not eligible for a scholarship.

Students enrolled in a Master's or PhD degree program are not eligible for this scholarship.

Applications are due on April 10th at 11:59PM CDT. 

Please contact Haley Nemeth at with any questions. 

Funding for the Fluid Power Scholarship comes, in part, from donors to the Tom Wanke Legacy Fund. Please consider making a donation.

2024 Scholarship Winners

Adam Kaszok
Adam Kaszok University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Adam KaszokUniversity of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignChampaign, IL
Ailey Smith
Ailey Smith University of Florida
Ailey SmithUniversity of Florida

Gainesville, Fl

Anna Aler
Anna Aler University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Anna AlerUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Champaign, IL

Athena Shier
Athena Shier University of South Carolina
Athena ShierUniversity of South Carolina

Columbia, SC

Austin Hinkley
Austin Hinkley University of Michigan
Austin HinkleyUniversity of Michigan

Ann Arbor, MI

Bryson Love-1
Bryson Love South Dakota State University
Bryson LoveSouth Dakota State University

Brookings, SD

Christian Fain
Christian Fain Auburn University
Christian FainAuburn University

Auburn, AL

Colin Willits
Colin Willits University of Massachusetts Amherst
Colin WillitsUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst

Amherst, MA

Emily Bolin-1
Emily Bolin Grace College
Emily BolinGrace College

Winona Lake, IN

Tom Wanke Legacy Fund Awardee

Ethan Wang cropped
Ethan Wang Colorado University Boulder
Ethan WangColorado University Boulder

Boulder, CO

Evan Garner
Evan Garner Ohio State University
Evan GarnerOhio State University

Columbus, OH

Evan Fender copy
Evan Fender Wright State University
Evan FenderWright State University

Dayton, OH

Tom Wanke Legacy Fund Awardee

James Meggitt
James Meggitt Iowa State University
James MeggittIowa State University

Ames, IA

Kaden Semlow
Kaden Semlow Cedarville University
Kaden SemlowCedarville University

Cedarville, OH

Kaedyn Peterson-Rucker
Kaedyn Peterson-Rucker Univerity of Wisconsin-Madison
Kaedyn Peterson-RuckerUniverity of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, WI

Robert Mackey Memorial Award

Kayden Brant
Kayden Barnt Brigham Young University
Kayden BarntBrigham Young University

Provo, UT

Raymond F. Hanley Memorial Award

Michael Castiglia
Michael Castiglia University of Central Florida
Michael CastigliaUniversity of Central Florida

Orlando, FL

Nicole Wu
Nicole WU Ohlone College
Nicole WUOhlone College

Fremont, CA

Riley Mack
Riley Mack Garden City Community College
Riley MackGarden City Community College

Garden City, KS

Tom Wanke Legacy Fund Awardee

Sarah Witte
Sarah Witte University of Arizona
Sarah WitteUniversity of Arizona

Tuscon, AZ

Apply for a Grant

Fluid Power Grants

We know estimating cost is often crucial when evaluating educational opportunities for schools or classrooms. That’s why NFPA offers a $500 grant that middle and high schools can apply for annually to help bring fluid power education to students.

Grants of up to $500 are available for schools and community organizations interested in hosting or attending a Fluid Power Action Challenge event, purchasing fluid power kits for hands-on activities, or otherwise enhancing the educational experience involving fluid power. 

Please visit our Action Challenge page to get assistance with estimated costs.

University Grants

The NFPA Education and Technology Foundation is committed to supporting university-level fluid power education and programs that train the next generation of the fluid power workforce. To help get more university graduates educated in fluid power, the University Fluid Power Grant is designed to provide funding to faculty to add more fluid power curricula to their undergraduate engineering programs.

The University Fluid Power Grant Program is looking for projects that develop curriculum for the General Electrical/Electronic, Data Acquisition, and Controls Competencies identified by our industry as critical to fluid power education. Materials developed under this grant will be shared freely on the NFPA Foundation website for use by other schools.

We will work with applicants to determine funding needed to add curriculum that covers missing competencies. NFPA’s funding year is July 1-June 30. Grants will be awarded until funds are depleted.

Project Grants

In response to the increasing need for emerging talent with practical experience, NFPA has established a grant program designed to support the development of hands-on fluid power projects that are cost-effective, replicable, and easy to implement for students at the high school and college level. The primary objectives are to design and pilot the project, finalize the Bill of Materials (BOM) and lesson plans, and develop a ready-to-use, tested curriculum that NFPA can publish and distribute to other schools.

Several project concepts have been validated by industry professionals, and NFPA may assist in connecting grant recipients with industry mentors for additional guidance. Priority will be given to applicants whose final projects are easily replicable, with a cost under $500 for high school projects and $2,000 for university lab courses of 10-15 students. 

Robotics Outreach

The NFPA Robotics Challenge helps encourage high school students to use fluid power in real-world applications while also connecting them to resources that support their pursuit of higher education and fluid power careers.

One way we do this is by bringing an awareness of pneumatic applications in robotics to high school students and to stimulate increased use of fluid power products in these competitions. Teams incorporating pneumatic technology into their competition robot are eligible to apply to NFPA's $500 grant program. 

Do you plan to incorporate pneumatics into your 2025 competition robot? Are you interested in learning more about fluid power from an industry professional?

There are many high school robotics organizations that support the use of pneumatic technology in competitions. Are you looking to get started? Check out their pneumatics resources.