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Our company is applying for membership in the National Fluid Power Association (NFPA). 

We agree that, if accepted for membership, we will abide by the Bylaws currently in effect and all other rules and regulations established by the Association's Board of Directors.


Company Information


Company Name:

Division Name (if applicable):
Street Address:
Suite/Floor/Address 2:
Street Zip/Postal Code:
PO Box:
PO Box Zip:
Company Telephone:
Company Email:
Web Site Address:

Submitted by:
First Name:
Last Name:
Job Title:

Referred by:
First Name:
Last Name:
Company Name:

Membership Information

There are four categories of membership in NFPA. Following are the definitions of these categories, based on NFPA's Bylaws, as well as the annual dues requirements associated with each. Please select 1 membership category.


Maufacturer Members are defined as any firm, corporation or subsidiary or division thereof maintaining offices and manufacturing/assembly facilities in a country that is a member of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and meets all three of the following criteria for engineering, amnufacturing and sales.

Engineering – For a minimum of two years the company shall have engaged in the design of proprietary products for the fluid power industry. Such products include fluid power components and complementary products such as controls and sensors that become part of fluid power products. Modifications of products (such as port sizing and mounting mechanics) designed by others or by affiliates or the packaging of components made by others (such as circuit design and design of power units) shall not be considered as fulfilling this criteria.

Manufacturing – For a minimum of two years, the company shall have engaged in the manufacturing of proprietary products for the fluid power industry. Companies whose operations involve assembly rather than manufacturing will satisfy this requirement only if they maintain total design control over the resulting products.

Sales – The company’s proprietary manufactured fluid power products are marketed and sold in the US; or the company’s proprietary complementary products are intended for installation on proprietary fluid power finished products that are, in turn, marketed and sold in the US.

International Members meet all the criteria specified for Manufacturer Member, with the exception of the engineering/manufacturing facilities being located outside a NAFTA country.

A Distributor is a firm or company engaged in the distribution, integration or application of fluid power products for one or more manufacturers eligible for Manufacturer Membership in the Association.

A Product Supplier is any firm or company that has maintained a facility or office for at least two years in the United States, Canada, or Mexico, and supplies any of the following products or services:

  • Subcomponents (elements of a fluid power component).
  • Materials used to make a fluid power component or its subcomponents.
  • Products that enhance the performance of a fluid power system.
  • Software and or programming services for the fluid power industry.
  • Fabricating, machining and or remanufacturing services related to fluid power components, whether by traditional or by additive manufacturing methods.
  • Equipment used in manufacturing processes, whether traditional machine tool or additive.
  • Products or services that support the development of and use of Internet of Things, including data collection and transmission, display, interpretation or analytics.

An Associate Supplier is any firm or company that has maintained offices for at least two years in the Unites States, Canada or Mexico, and whose involvement with the fluid power industry includes one or more of the following:

  • The publication of trade journals, technical journals or textbooks pertaining to the fluid power industry; and/or
  • Research and/or technical services for the fluid power industry.

A Controls, IoT and Data Members is any firm or company that has maintained offices for at least two years in the Unites States, Canada or Mexico, and whose involvement with the fluid power industry includes one or more of the following:

  • Creation of data/inputs, such as manufacturers of sensors, human-machine interfaces, displays, joysticks or keypads.
  • Systems that use data to control vehicles or factory floors, such as controller manufacturers.
  • Solutions that send data to the cloud for further use, such as telematics or manufacturers of IoT hardware.
  • Storing, processing and presenting data, such as cloud service providers.
  • Analyzing data to draw conclusions, such as data analytics firms.


Company Description and Contacts

Description: Using descriptive rather than promotional terms, summarize the products your company manufactures and/or sells and/or the services you provide. This description will be posted on NFPA’s web site. Online links will take viewers to your company web site for more information – NOTE: NFPA reserves the right to edit description as needed.


Primary Contacts: All your company’s employees are entitled to participate in association events and receive our publications. However, NFPA strives to target key programs and benefits to the most appropriate people in your organization. By providing the following information you will help ensure your company gets the most from its membership.

Official Company Representative (OCR) The prime link between member company and NFPA. Receives all ballots and association correspondence. Listed in the Members Only version of the Member Directory.

First Name:
Last Name:
Job Title:
Direct Phone Number:

Marketing Representative Engages in NFPA’s marketing and market information services. Receives all market information reports and services. Listed in the Members Only version of the Member Directory.

First Name:
Last Name:
Job Title:
Direct Phone Number:

Main Technical/Engineering Representative Your company’s point of contact to receive information on technical standards development programs, including product development and research projects conducted by NFPA member schools and universities. Your Technical Representative also designates individuals from your company to participate in NFPA standards development as members of Product Sections and Technology Committees. Listed in the Members Only version of the Member Directory.

First Name:
Last Name:
Job Title:
Direct Phone Number:

Product Contact Listed in the Member Directory available to the public on NFPA’s web site. The contact at your company that would provide more information about your products.

First Name:
Last Name:
Job Title:
Direct Phone Number:

Human Resource Contact Receives information on NFPA's outreach and education programs.

First Name:
Last Name:
Job Title:
Direct Phone Number:

Additional Contacts: (not listed in on line Member Directory unless requested)
As an NFPA member, everyone in your company is entitled to participate in association events and receive our publications. Please tell us about others in your company who should receive the NFPA newsletter, e-newsletter and target email notices specific to their interests.

If you have more than one additional contact to add, click on the Add Contact button.

First Name:
Last Name:
Job Title:
Direct Phone Number:
Please check if the person listed above is a secondary contact for any of the following primary contacts previously listed.