A series of fluid power systems ISO standards development meetings were recently held in London, United Kingdom. The subcommittee for Contamination Control (SC 6), Product Testing (SC 8), Installations and systems (SC 9) and a total of 7 working groups met to further the developmental progress on current projects, systematic reviews of published standards, and to discuss possible new areas of work within the fluid power industry.
Over 50 committee members representing the fluid power industry attended the week-long meetings. Seven U.S. experts who participate on various U.S. Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) attended on behalf of the U.S. fluid power industry. The remaining delegates traveled from China, Japan, Italy, France, Germany, Sweden, Türkiye and the United Kingdom.
U.S. Led Meeting Highlights
Contamination Control committee and its working group have many active projects and multiple stages of development. The working group is also leading the ILS for SRM2806e with NIST.
Brand new Energy Efficiency standards are being developed in the Installations and Systems committee
Want to know more? Join a U.S. Technical Advisory Group! Many project details are kept private during the development process and they can’t be shared outside of the U.S. TAG.
Continuing the Development Process
NFPA members are encouraged to participate in fluid power industry standards development. Whether at the national and/or international level, your engineering expertise is needed
- to help influence global technology;
- give expert input;
- be a part of the U.S. voice in an international arena.
Next Meeting
May 2025 ISO/TC 131 Meeting Cluster
Mainly Pneumatic topics and Connectors topics,
May 12th-16th, 2025 Beijing, China
Contact Allison Forsythe at aforsythe@nfpa.com for more details or to join a U.S. TAG in your area of expertise!
NFPA is the secretariat to ISO technical committee (TC 131) on fluid power systems and administrator for 11 fluid power ANSI U.S. National Committees (T.A.G.’s)